Three Auditions in Three Days

What a crazy week and weekend.. So started off with three Auditions in three days..All asked for me Personally so frankly I feel honored even if I get the jobs or not, They love me, they really love me. 😉 After that I hit the SOVO// Magazine opening, A Magazine that embraces SOUTH Los Angles, invited by the lovely Franteasia SenYon Kelly where I felt so gosh darn Honored to be a Part of this, Yes, I am a 6th generation Venice Beach Gal.. so Hello, This Gal supports..
Magic castle 3After that Hit the Magic Castle to meet Producers and Directors and Just have so much fun.. Ok yea I might or might not have hypnotized a Producer.. Shhh not saying..Hypnotic thanks Jenna Urban Everyday and Twice on Sundays for EVERYTHING you do.
Then off to Eric Leja’s Surprise Party where I was able to give him a Parrot..All men need a Parrot 😉 It Rocked the Casba even if I did not win the pot. too much fun..Grin…


Home to sleep for a bit but then off to Bobs for Head Shots where we had so much fun,, Granted not till after I took my top off to just be me, Did the shoot Rock.. but hey all is fair in love and war. Kidding, Kidding, Or am I? Bob Delgadillo You rock Everyday and twice on Sundays it is an honor to know you. Thank you for today…
Then off to Eugene Sidney Birthday, loved it, loved it, want more of it. Also everyone please be sure to check out Danny Go’s website:
Wishing you all a very Prosperous and Productive week and while you are at it. Remember to SMILE, SMILE, SMILE, EVERY DAY AND TWICE ON SUNDAYS.
Kisses and Hugs and tons of love..

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